Strike A Chord is Musica Viva Australia's national initiative designed to inspire and support Australian high school students in the art of chamber music. Strike A Chord is committed to nurturing a love for playing chamber music, and providing educational and performance opportunities to support the musical growth of students across Australia.

Entries open 1 May 2025. Sign up to our e-news to stay up to date. 

Applications for our Monash Strike A Chord Workshop have now closed. 

Applications for our Free Coaching Program are open until 21 March - Apply now!


Monash Strike A Chord Workshop

7 Feb: Applications Open
7 Mar: Applications Close

Coaching Program

24 Feb: Applications Open
21 Mar: Applications Close

STRIKE A CHORD - Foundation and Championship Sections

1 May: Entries Open
29 May: Entries Close
20 Jun: Foundation Section – Winners Announced
20 Jun: Championship Section – Finalists and First Round Winners announced
30 Aug: Championship Section – National Final, Melbourne Recital Centre

Free Coaching Program

Groups intending to enter either section of  Strike A Chord can apply for a FREE private coaching session with a Musica Viva Australia-affiliated artist.

Intensive Chamber Music Workshops

The Monash Strike A Chord Workshop is a dynamic and interactive two-day program for young musicians looking to share the joy of playing chamber music.  


Foundation Section

The Foundation Section is for groups in which all members are AMEB Grade 4 level (or equivalent) or below. Entry is free and all groups will receive a certificate and written feedback from the judging panel

Championship Section

The Strike A Chord Championship Section is open to groups approximately AMEB Grade 5 and above (or equivalent). Entry is $10 per player and all groups will receive a certificate and written feedback from the judging panel.


Can we arrange our own music? How old do the students need to be to enter? How do we pick repertoire? Find out more in our Frequently Asked Questions page.


FAQs, how to guides, rules and regulations, downloadable poster, and past winners.


Strike A Chord would like to thank our many supporters. Visit our partners page to see the full list of those who help to make this competition possible.  

Strike a Chord