National Members Council
National Members Council
Musica Viva Australia’s Members Council is made up of individuals who have each made a significant contribution to music, music education or to the organisation. The Members Council creates a special two-way channel of communication with our stakeholders across the country, providing advocacy, support and advice to Musica Viva. Additionally, this group of people is the electoral body that nominates Board Directors, thus having a very direct impact on Musica Viva’s future.
National Members Council Charter (350.0 KB)
Michael Katz (Life Member)
Board Directors (National)
Charles Graham (Chairman)
Prof Malcolm Gillies AM (ACT)
Katherine Grinberg (NSW)
Lynda O’Grady (Regional NSW)
Maia Ambegaokar (NSW)
Liz Hawkins (SA)
Dr Bennie Ng (WA)
Darren Taylor (VIC)
The Hon Justice Anthe Philippides (QLD)
Members Council (ACT)
Dr Roger Hillman
Margaret Lovell
Dr Craig Reynolds
Richard Rowe PSM
Juliet Tootell
Andrew Blanckensee
Alex Furman
Michael Toller
Life Members (ACT)
Marjorie Gilby
Donald Sams
Members Council (NSW)
Peter Cudlipp
Jennifer Darin
Dr Jennifer Donald
Adriana Gardos
Dr Annette Gero
Michele Johns
Ruth Magid
Irena Morozov
Dene Olding AM
Vicki Olsson
Dr Chris Sainsbury
Deena Shiff
Kate Tribe
Kim Walker
Ray Wilson OAM
Kathryn Bennett
Life Members (NSW)
Tony Berg AM
Jennifer Bott AO
Mary Jo Capps AM
Charmian Gadd OAM
Suzanne Gleeson
Trish Ludgate
Donald Magarey
Donald McDonald AC
Margie Ostinga
Jill Stowell OAM
Mary Vallentine AO
Carl Vine AO
Kim Williams AM
Margaret Wright OAM
Katherine Grinberg
Members Council (QLD)
Professor Ian Frazer AC
Andrea Hall-Brown
Malcolm Hall-Brown
Kate Lister
Dr Barry Moore
Dr Robert Stewart
Life Members (QLD)
Christine Gargett
Peter Lyons
Donald Munro AM
Members Council (SA)
Veronica Aldridge
Helen Pollard
Judith Potter
Mark De Raad
Leonie Schmidt
Members Council (TAS)
Di O’Toole
Members Council (VIC)
Elizabeth Aickin
Prof Margaret Barrett
Alastair Campbell
Alexandra Clemens
Robert Clemente
Monica Curro
John Daley AM
Dr Jane Fyfield
Peter Griffin AM
Barry Jones AC
Hyon-Ju Lee
Monica Lim
Peter Lovell
Terry Moran AC
Marjorie Nicholas OAM
Jennifer Seabrook
Helen Vorrath
Anna Yates
Life Members (VIC)
Jacqui Bate
Russell Bate OAM
Michael Bertram
Peter Burch AM BM
Julian Burnside AO QC
Kate Durham
Members Council (WA)
Bruce Cameron
Olivier David
Dr Janice Dudley
Dr Robert Larbalestier
Anne Last
Graham Lovelock
Assoc Prof Deborah Lehmann AO
Prof Margaret Seares AO
Adam Hall
Robyn Tamke
Life Members (WA)
Judy Flower
Michael Wishart
State Committees
Musica Viva Australia is a truly national company with an active presence in every state and territory. In addition to paid staff in each location we are represented by a volunteer committee who provide invaluable local knowledge, networks and practical support.
Richard Rowe (President)
Daniel Sloss
Andrew Blanckensee
Dr Craig Reynolds
Juliet Tootell
Anna Enno (President)
Anne Morris
Ian Cook
Roland Hicks
Kathryn Bennett
Jocelyn Kelty
Louise Gleeson
Stephanie Brookman
Andrea Hall-Brown (president)
Helen Devane
Amanda Hume
James Jarvis
Peter Lyons
Helen O’Sullivan
Ruby Yeh
Jane Fyfield (President)
Alastair Campbell
Aurélie Costes
Dorothea Josem
Elizabeth Douglas
Janice Dudley (President)
Helen Westcott (Secretary)
Olivier David
Anne de Soyza
Yuan Lim
Miranda Mary
Father Richard Smith
Pearl Tan