Allan Clayton by Bradbury Photography

Musica Viva Australia presents A Winter’s Journey – an exciting intersection of music, storytelling and visual art – in London on Wednesday 7th December at the famed Barbican Centre after a successful Australian tour earlier this year.  

A Winter’s Journey brings together celebrated British tenor Allan Clayton (who garnered acclaim for his performance of Peter Grimes at London’s Royal Opera House) with pianist Kate Golla, and award-winning director Lindy Hume. Videographer David Bergman (STC’s The Picture of Dorian Grey) animates huge digital screens with works from the late Australian painter Fred Williams. 

Winterreise is an emotional charged song cycle written by Franz Schubert. Using the poems of the German writer Wilhelm Müller, Schubert created an emotional journey of a man trekking across frozen rivers and snowy landscapes, lamenting his lost love.  Artistic Director of Musica Viva Australia Paul Kildea states: “In this new production I want to explore creatively what this masterwork means in Australia in the 21st Century. Winterreise is a monument to 19th century culture, yet icy European winters are not often experienced by people in Australia, who instead experience red earth and confronting wilderness.” 

In a review of the Australian season, Limelight Magazine stated, “The night belonged to Clayton and Golla, consummate storytellers both: Clayton fitting sound and action to sense with clarity, gusto and compassion; Golla with an exceptionally well-attuned musical analogue to Williams’ sense of line and colour.”  Classic Melbourne stated “Musica Viva and Artistic Director Paul Kildea are to be applauded for designing something ambitious and genuinely new that may well help introduce this masterpiece to a different audience." 

Tickets are  available  via  the  Barbican  website:  



7th December – The Barbican Hall, 7:30pm 



SCHUBERTWinterreise, D911 (1827) 

For further information, images or interviews: 


Belinda Dyer | or 0415 686 014